How To Ride A Motorcycle In Traffic

Riding a motorcycle in traffic can be really challenging no matter how much experienced you are. You never know how people in other vehicles are going to act under pressure, so their mistake can really cost you dearly. As a result, you don’t only have to ensure that you commit minimum mistakes, but you have to watch out for other inexperienced riders and drivers on the road.

Some people believe that driving a car in traffic is more difficult compared to riding a motorbike. However, that is not a valid argument at all. Since there are always plenty of open spaces for the bikers despite the traffic, they get tempted to continue moving from the narrowest of places. This can result in problems for them.

On the other hand, people driving cars don’t face such a situation. All they have to do is continue moving slowly in their lane. When they see the traffic moving, they can accelerate slowly and as soon as the vehicle ahead of them stops; they have to apply the brakes instantly. There is nothing else they have to do in this scenario.

Moreover, the bikers have to rest one of their feet on the road in order to maintain the balance of their vehicle when they are not moving at all. Compared to them, a car driver can relax in his seat while listening to songs, as he does not have to worry about the balance of his vehicle once he has pulled the handbrake.
Looking at this difficulty of a motorcyclist, Riderwear UK ltd has come up with some useful tips that can really help in easing the pressure when you are stuck in traffic.

Do not panic

First of all, you have to keep your mind relaxed in such a situation. Sometimes, motorcycle riders get nervous when they see so much traffic ahead, thus end up making a mistake. Even if you are in a hurry, never try to do anything silly and stay calm.

Accept that you will be late

If you are getting late from work, college/university or some event, accept the fact that you will be unable to reach in time. Some things are literally out of your control, so there is no need to worry about them. You should only focus on stuff that can be controlled by you.

Obey the rules

This is one of the most important tips, as it enables you to stay out of trouble on most of the occasions. Regardless of what happens, you will be able to avoid trouble if you are following the rules properly. The people who breach such rules and regulations often cause problems for others too, but they get penalized for their actions at the end of the day. So, you should not try copying them no matter what.

Get rid of distractions

If you are listening to songs or doing anything else that distracts you, there might be trouble on the way. Since you have to keep your focus on the road when there is a traffic jam, you cannot afford to divert your attention towards other things.

Keep a fair distance from other vehicles

In order to stay safe while riding a motorcycle, you have to ensure that there is a fair distance between you and the vehicle in front. This will keep you out of trouble and you will get plenty of reaction time in case of an emergency.

Try and alternate route

Last but not the least; you can always try an alternate route when you sense any trouble.  Even if you have to travel more that way, it will save you plenty of time in the end. It is always ideal to choose the quicker route instead of the shorter one.

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