Is It Wise To Be Anti-Helmet

To wear or not to wear a helmet has been an ongoing argument for years and there still seems to be no proper conclusion drawn out of it. There are people who can tell you numerous benefits of wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle whereas others have got some arguments against it. So, it can be confusing as a common person to find out what should actually be done.

There is no need to discuss much details about how can a helmet be safe for you. People who agree with this theory simply know that your brain stays protected in case of an accident, you stay safe from the harsh weather conditions, you can ride with confidence and the list of benefits goes on.

On the other hand, the anti-helmet group believes that it is not possible to enjoy independence if you are wearing a helmet. They believe that driving a car feels like a person is caged into it, thus there is no fun at all. However, things are different when it comes to motorbikes, as you can move at your will; enjoy the wind, rain or even the sun.

Apart from that, the anti-helmet group claims that there are chances of increased accidents if a person puts on a helmet during a motorcycle ride. The reason behind it is that your vision is limited, you cannot hear properly and your head movement is limited to some extent. Although all of these claims have been proven wrong through research, yet people believe them to be true.

So, the question arises whether it is right to oppose the helmets, knowing that you can sustain life threatening injuries. Since logical explanation has not really helped the anti-helmet group, one needs to look at an example of a famous personality, who has been through a lot of trouble because of not putting on a helmet.

The person’s name is, Gary Busey, who is a well known American actor and has shown his talent through the movies and theater industry. Everyone is aware of his skills as an actor, but there are very few people know that he was against wearing helmets while riding and remained like that for many years until he finally realized he was on the wrong side.

Towards the end of 1988, Busey had a terrible motorbike accident, which almost took his life. Since he was against helmets, he was not wearing one. As a result, he suffered some major injuries to his skull and it appeared that he would fail to survive serious consequences.

Luckily, the talented actor survived and continued doing films, but he kept on saying that wearing helmets was not the right call. He remained against the fact that one should put on protective gear in order to save the brain from serious injuries.

Time went by and Busey knew that he was not following the right path. He probably knew that when he had the accident, but refused to admit it. Finally, he spoke out in favor of the helmets saying that, “Riding without a helmet is a gamble everyone is bound to lose.” These words came out of a person, who was anti-helmet, so there is a lesson to learn through them.

You have to realize that nothing is more precious than your own life, so order a stylish helmet from RiderWear and focus on your safety more than anything else. It is not wise to be anti-helmet, as you can end up as people like Busey, who is still not 100 percent fit because of the motorcycle crash he had some two and a half decades ago.

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